Most Important Facts About Organic Jaggery

Jaggery powder is a non-centrifugal type of cane sugar used in Asia and the Americas. People who want to convert from refined sugar to healthier sweetening options may find jaggery powder to be the ideal sweetener. People can also buy organic jaggery online . Jaggery powder, also known as ‘Gur' in Hindi, is an unrefined form of sugar made by boiling sugar cane juice until it freezes at the bottom. For health-conscious people, jaggery can be a good sugar substitute because it is not only delicious but also contains necessary nutrients and minerals. ● Cane jaggery is a type of raw sugar that is made by evaporating the water in sugar cane juice. ● It is primarily consumed in Asia and the United States. ● It's a concentrated cane juice product with a lot of dates or palm sugar. ● Because molasses and crystals are not separated from sugar cane juice, jaggery is golden b...